Routing is done using Trimble MAPS data for commercial vehicles. This data includes bridge heights and clearances, load limits, weight limits and allowances, one-way road designations, left-hand and dangerous turn restrictions, urban road classifications, as well as hazmat, truck-restricted, truck-designated and truck-prohibited roads.
The first step in adding routes to your map is to create a new TrimbleMaps.Route
const myRoute = new TrimbleMaps.Route({
routeId: 'myRoute',
stops: [
new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.566234, 40.499440),
new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-74.629749, 40.261187)
Adding the Route to a Map
A route can be added to a map by calling the addTo
method on the route object.
Route Options
Parameter | Type | Description |
routeId |
string |
A unique string values used to identify a route. |
stops |
Array |
An array of at least two TrimbleMaps.LngLat objects containing the locations of the stops of the route. |
vehicleType |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.VehicleType.TRUCK Restricts the route to roads that are accessible by the selected vehicle type. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.VehicleType.TRUCK - Truck</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.VehicleType.LIGHT_TRUCK - Light Truck</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.VehicleType.AUTOMOBILE - Automobile</li></ul> |
routeType |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteType.PRACTICAL Type of route. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteType.PRACTICAL - Practical</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteType.SHORTEST - Shortest</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteType.FASTEST - Fastest</li></ul> |
routeOptimization |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteOptimization.NONE <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteOptimization.NONE - None</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteOptimization.OPTIMIZE_ALL_STOPS - Optimize all stops</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.RouteOptimization.OPTIMIZE_INTERMEDIATE_STOPS - Optimize intermediate stops</li></ul> |
tollDiscourage |
boolean |
Default: false Generates the route by trying to avoid toll roads. |
bordersOpen |
boolean |
Default: true Indicates whether borders are open for travel. |
overrideRestrict |
boolean |
Default: false Indicates whether or not to override truck restrictions. |
highwayOnly |
boolean |
Default: false Restricts the route to only highway roads. |
hazMatType |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.NONE Restricts the route to roads that allow transportation of the selected hazardous material. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.NONE - None</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.GENERAL - General</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.CAUSTIC - Caustic</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.EXPLOSIVES - Explosives</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.FLAMMABLE - Flammable</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.INHALANTS - Inhalants</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.HazMatType.RADIOACTIVE - Radioactive</li></ul> |
distanceUnits |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.DistanceUnit.MILES Distance units as miles or kilometers. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.DistanceUnit.MILES - Miles</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS - Kilometers</li> |
trkUnits |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckUnit.ENGLISH Distance units as miles or kilometers. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckUnit.ENGLISH - English</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckUnit.METRIC - Metric</li> |
trkHeight |
number |
The height of the vehicle in feet and inches or meters depending on units. Example 13’6” or 4.1148. |
trkLength |
number |
The length of the vehicle in feet and inches or meters depending on units. Example 13’6” or 4.1148. |
trkWidth |
number |
The width of the vehicle in feet and inches or meters depending on units. Example 13’6” or 4.1148. |
trkWeight |
number |
The weight of the vehicle in pounds or kilograms depending on units. |
trkAxles |
number |
Default: 5 The number of axles on the vehicle; acceptable values are 2 through 14. |
inclFerryDist |
boolean |
Default: true Indicates whether or not to include ferry distances in mileage calculations of reports. |
fuelUnits |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.FuelUnit.GALLONS Fuel units as gallons and liters. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.FuelUnit.GALLONS - Gallons</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.FuelUnit.LITERS - Liters</li> |
truckConfig |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckConfig.NONE The vehicle style. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckConfig.NONE - Indicates that no particular vehicle style is chosen.</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckConfig.TWENTY_EIGHT - 28’ double trailer.</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckConfig.FORTY - 40’ straight trailer.</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckConfig.FORTY_EIGHT - 48’ semitrailer.</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.TruckConfig.FIFTY_THREE - 53’ semitrailer.</li></ul> |
inclTollData |
boolean |
Default: true Indicates whether or not reports should calculate toll costs in reports. |
fuelEconLoad |
number |
The fuel efficiency (distance units per fuel units) when loaded. Used for reports. |
fuelEconEmpty |
number |
The fuel efficiency (distance units per fuel units) when empty. Used for reports. |
costPerFuelUnit |
number |
The cost per fuel unit of fuel. Used for reports. |
costGHG |
number |
The cost of greenhouse gas in lbs. per fuel unit. Used for reports. |
costMaintLoad |
number |
The maintenance cost per distance unit when loaded. Used for reports. |
costMaintEmpty |
number |
The maintenance cost per distance unit when empty. Used for reports. |
costTimeLoad |
number |
The time cost per mile/km when loaded. Used for reports. |
costTimeEmpty |
number |
The time cost per mile/km when empty. Used for reports. |
tollCurrency |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.TollCurrency.USD The toll currency. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.TollCurrency.USD - Indicates that the currency should be United States dollars.</li> <li>TrimbleMaps.Common.TollCurrency.CAD - Indicates that the currency should be Canadian dollars.</li> |
exchangeRate |
number |
The change rate to convert US dollars to Canadian dollars. Used for reports. |
citeInt |
number |
The cite interval to be used when generating a geotunnel report. The minimum value is 0.1. Used for reports. |
region |
enumeration |
Default: TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.NA The data region in which the route stops are located. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.AF - Africa</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.AS - Asia</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.EU - Europe</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.ME - Middle East</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.NA - North America</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.OC - Australia</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.SA - South America</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.Region.WW - Worldwide</li></ul> |
reportType |
Array |
Default: [TrimbleMaps.Common.ReportType.MILEAGE] The data region in which the route stops are located. <ul><li> TrimbleMaps.Common.ReportType.MILEAGE - Mileage</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.ReportType.DIRECTIONS - Directions</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.ReportType.DETAIL - Detail</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.ReportType.STATE - State</li><li>TrimbleMaps.Common.ReportType.TOLL - Toll Detail</li></ul> |